In Fin­land, it's time again for ed­u­ca­tion plans for next year.

Do you know that train­ing re­gard­ing the de­ploy­ment of sys­tems can be added to the train­ing plan? Hours used for train­ing can be de­duct­ed in tax­a­tion to a max­i­mum of 3 work­ing days per em­ploy­ee and year if there is a train­ing plan be­fore the train­ing.

In ad­di­tion, we are hap­py to as­sist in the plan­ning of statu­to­ry ed­u­ca­tions that sup­port con­tin­ued pro­fes­sion­al de­vel­op­ment.

This year and next year, we of­fer train­ing for, among oth­er things

– ­writ­ing jour­nal­ists' search op­ti­miza­tion, ie how Google's search re­sults can be af­fect­ed in Neo al­ready when the ar­ti­cle is writ­ten
an­a­lyt­i­cal tools for the own news­pa­per's Face­book site, ie how Face­book's an­a­lyt­i­cal tools can be used in pub­lish­ing on so­cial me­dia and how Neo sup­ports pub­lish­ing
– the use of the Google Maps on­line map ser­vice
– fea­tures in Google's new Jour­nal­ist Stu­dio
– the use of Google Trends re­ports in the plan­ning of the sales and ed­i­to­r­i­al year clock
– ef­fi­cient use of archives on­line, ie how the ar­ti­cles can be pro­vid­ed with long tail in Neo al­ready when they are writ­ten.

The aim of the train­ing is to teach the ed­i­tors to make bet­ter use of Neo's tools in on­line pub­li­ca­tions, in­crease the read­ing time for ar­ti­cles and im­prove read­ers' en­gage­ment in the con­tent. Some of the train­ing is aimed at mag­a­zines that use Neo, some at NeoDi­rect pub­li­ca­tions.

In ad­di­tion, ac­cord­ing to the cus­tomer's needs, we tai­lor train­ing for the growth path of dig­i­tal prod­ucts - how, for ex­am­ple, fea­tures that sup­port Neo's on­line pub­lish­ing can be used to en­gage read­ers and ac­quire new cus­tomers, how re­sults can be mea­sured and how fol­low-up can be linked to the mag­a­zine's every­day life.

The train­ing can be arranged on­line or on site. The cours­es of an av­er­age of 2 hours can al­so be pack­aged in whole, for ex­am­ple as part of the ed­i­to­r­i­al staff's school day.