CD­Prof­it is the de­liv­ery lo­gis­tics mod­ule in the Any­graaf prod­uct fam­i­ly. The so­lu­tion re­ceives da­ta from our sales mod­ule CProf­it, and it can al­so re­ceive sales da­ta from third par­ty sys­tems.

Ca­pa­ble of ob­tain­ing da­ta from ex­ter­nal sys­tems or in­de­pen­dent­ly defin­ing dif­fer­ent de­liv­er­ies ac­cord­ing to dis­tricts or re­gions is avail­able to Any­graaf's users. CD­Prof­it process­es the de­liv­ery (third-par­ty ma­te­ri­als, record­ed us­ing dis­trict da­ta) and for­wards the in­for­ma­tion to pay­roll. CD­Prof­it man­ages the de­liv­ery process from of­fer to salary pay­ment and in­voic­ing.

CD­Prof­it is a com­plete so­lu­tion for man­ag­ing de­liv­ery or­ga­ni­za­tions and lo­gis­tics process­es.

CD­Prof­it has an in­tu­itive, user-friend­ly in­ter­face: all im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion about cur­rent de­liv­er­ies is avail­able at a glance, de­liv­ery prob­lems can be re­solved quick­ly and eas­i­ly through in­tel­li­gent nav­i­ga­tion.

Thanks to a com­pre­hen­sive user rights and roles con­cept, each user on­ly sees the parts of the pro­gram that they need to sat­is­fy their area of re­spon­si­bil­i­ty. This guar­an­tees ef­fec­tive work with CD­Prof­it through­out the de­liv­ery or­ga­ni­za­tion.

With the help of CD­Prof­it, user ac­com­plish the ef­fi­cient de­liv­ery of copies in the dis­tricts, the plan­ning of work shifts, the car­ri­er pay­roll in ac­cor­dance with the statu­to­ry min­i­mum wage and in­voic­ing for de­liv­er­ies of all kinds; every­thing that hap­pens in the dis­tri­b­u­tion process af­ter the prod­ucts leave the print­ing press.

With CD­Prof­it, the de­liv­ery sta­tus is dis­played in re­al time.

CD­Prof­it's fea­tures cov­er all last mile de­liv­ery lo­gis­tics needs.

Dig­i­tal de­liv­ery book for mo­bile de­vices

- Dig­i­tal street di­rec­to­ry

- Web por­tal for de­liv­ery dri­vers with in­for­ma­tion about de­liv­ery cards, open shifts, pay­roll sta­tus

- Geocod­ed mail­box­es

- Mo­bile and pa­per ver­sions of the de­liv­ery book

- au­to­mat­ic up­date of the dig­i­tal de­liv­ery books

- 2-way de­liv­ery con­fir­ma­tion in­clud­ing GPS co­or­di­nates ship­ment track­ing

- Re­al-time de­liv­ery mon­i­tor­ing based on HTTP or SMS mes­sages

- Map view of de­liv­ery sta­tus.

- Ship­ment track­ing

- Log­ging dis­tri­b­u­tion er­rors

- Au­to­mat­ic trans­mis­sion of de­liv­ery sta­tus and dis­rup­tions

- Com­plaint man­age­ment and re­port­ing

- Send HTTP or SMS mes­sages to de­liv­ery peo­ple or cus­tomers

- Dig­i­tal de­liv­ery con­fir­ma­tion

Car­ri­er pay­roll and shift man­age­ment

- Pay­roll in ac­cor­dance with the statu­to­ry min­i­mum wage

- Man­age sur­charges and dis­counts (week­days, wait­ing times, kilo­me­ters, etc.)

- Man­ag­ing flat rates (Sun­day flat rate, old age flat rate, etc.)

- Flex­i­ble adding and chang­ing cal­cu­la­tion rules

- The pa­ra­me­ters for the car­ri­er pay­roll can be day/prod­uct/dis­trict spe­cif­ic

- In­ter­face to pay­roll ac­count­ing


- Joint sales in­voic­es

- Billing based on piece wages is pos­si­ble with­out any prob­lems

- freely de­fin­able billing mod­els

- Cus­tom sur­charges and dis­counts

- In­ter­face to var­i­ous fi­nan­cial ac­count­ing sys­tems

Flex­i­ble in­ter­faces to de­liv­ery in­for­ma­tion

- API in­ter­face to ex­ter­nal sales sys­tems (bidi­rec­tion­al)

- Sub­scrip­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem CProf­it

- Trans­fer­ring ex­ter­nal sub­scriber da­ta in YJS for­mat

- De­liv­ery or­ders gen­er­at­ed di­rect­ly based on ac­cept­ed of­fers

- De­liv­ery based on house­hold or house types in the dis­tricts

User rights and roles for groups and em­ploy­ees

- De­liv­er­ies can on­ly view their own de­liv­ery book via the on­line in­ter­face

- Ware­house em­ploy­ees on­ly have ac­cess to the ware­house man­age­ment mod­ule in CD­Prof­it

- Views can be cre­at­ed from the dis­tricts, e.g. the area man­ag­er can on­ly see his own dis­tricts

- Group and user-spe­cif­ic rights can be de­fined for each win­dow

Com­pre­hen­sive re­port­ing

- Over 50 dif­fer­ent stan­dard re­ports

- Cus­tom re­ports

- The user can al­so ed­it and add re­ports them­selves

More func­tions

- Plan­ning de­liv­ery

- Man­age­ment of of­fers

- Con­tact man­age­ment, syn­chro­niza­tion with Out­look con­tacts

- In­ven­to­ry man­age­ment