"The change aims to meet cus­tomer ex­pec­ta­tions. Read­ers get more ver­sa­tile news and ser­vices 24/7 and ad­ver­tis­ers will con­tin­ue to re­ceive mul­ti-chan­nel vis­i­bil­i­ty for their ads. De­ploy­ing pay­wall brings all con­tent on­line and with new sub­scrip­tion for­mats read­ers have more choic­es to read the mag­a­zine with the new pub­lish­ing plat­form and chan­nels.

"The project stayed on sched­ule and al­though the project was chal­leng­ing, as all ser­vices moved from cus­tomer to us, every­thing went very well. From our per­spec­tive it is great to be in­volved in pro­vid­ing new ser­vices and bring­ing a mod­ern pub­lish­ing plat­form for the ben­e­fit of the read­ers of Ylä-Sa­takun­ta. When look­ing at sta­tis­tics, the mo­bile side has proven to be a very strong chan­nel from which ylasa­takun­ta.fi is used", says Janne Ahramo at Any­graaf.


Ylä-Sa­takun­nan tiedot

Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy

Parkanon­tie 63, 39700 Parkano

029 1706 680


FB: face­book.com/ylasa­takun­ta

IG: @ylasa­takun­ta

Twit­ter: @ylasa­takun­ta