AProf­it's new self-ser­vice por­tal has been launched this au­tumn at Any­graaf cus­tomers.

The goal of self-ser­vice is to fa­cil­i­tate the sub­mis­sion of small con­sumer ads on­line at any time of the day.

In the ser­vice, the cus­tomer can make their ad with the help of ready-made ad tem­plates. The cus­tomer then im­me­di­ate­ly sees the ad price and can plan the ad based on their bud­get..

For the ad, the de­sired text and im­age are en­tered in the por­tal. The ad­ver­tis­er then en­ters their con­tact in­for­ma­tion and pays for the ad di­rect­ly in their on­line bank or with their cred­it card

Be­fore pay­ment, the ad is pre­viewed and can then still be changed.

The ad­ver­tise­ment can be sub­mit­ted in the por­tal to the de­sired news­pa­per or edi­tion for the de­sired day. Af­ter that, sub­mit­ted ads can be re­viewed and placed in the news­pa­per.

The new self-ser­vice por­tal has been de­signed to be as easy to use as pos­si­ble - the ad is cre­at­ed step by step and the site leads the cus­tomer for­ward.

This speeds up the sub­mis­sion of ads and re­duces cus­tomer ser­vice work.

– As a ba­sis for the plan­ning of the self-ser­vice por­tal, pre­vi­ous cus­tomer ex­pe­ri­ences of AProf­it's por­tal have been used. We have tried to make the sys­tem as in­tu­itive as pos­si­ble and so that the cre­ation of ads is pro­filed on the cus­tomer's prod­ucts, says Any­graaf's CEO Han­nu In­berg.

The self-ser­vice por­tal is part of the de­vel­op­ment of AProf­it's on­line ver­sion. We will tell you more about new fea­tures in newslet­ters at the end of the year.