News­pa­pers us­ing Neo and NeoDi­rect will be able to com­pile newslet­ters for read­ers through Neo.

The pro­duc­tion method speeds up the mak­ing of newslet­ters, be­cause you don't have to pick up news in the let­ter every time – all you have to do is de­sign the let­ter once and then se­lect the con­tents that comes in each newslet­ter from Neo.

The aim of the newslet­ter is to re­mind read­ers of the news­pa­per's in­ter­est­ing con­tent and thus en­gage them as users of on­line ser­vices.

One or more newslet­ter for­mats can be used: the let­ter can be com­piled, for ex­am­ple, from the most in­ter­est­ing news of the day, once a week from the best read­ing sto­ries of the mag­a­zine, or from a top­ic such as sports. In this case, the let­ter may have dif­fer­ent and tar­get­ed re­cip­i­ent lists.

Dur­ing mu­nic­i­pal elec­tions, the let­ter can be used, for ex­am­ple, to mar­ket elec­tion in­for­ma­tion to read­ers.

You can al­so sell ad­ver­tis­ing in a newslet­ter

The newslet­ter is im­ple­ment­ed us­ing NeoDi­rect.

In NeoDi­rect, a sep­a­rate lay­out is cre­at­ed for each let­ter. The lay­out is de­signed with the client’s in­put.

– The most ef­fec­tive com­bi­na­tion is cre­at­ed when some of the con­tents in the let­ter are se­lect­ed from Neo, some are brought in­to the let­ter by au­toma­tion. In this case, the let­ter con­tains both the sto­ries cho­sen by the ed­i­tor and, for ex­am­ple, the lat­est or most read con­tents of the en­tire mag­a­zine or a sec­tion, Sil­ja Ten­hunen from Any­graaf de­scribes.

The newslet­ter can be tar­get­ed to sub­scribers or to all read­ers. It can al­so be used in cir­cu­la­tion mar­ket­ing, for ex­am­ple, when a sub­scriber's or­der is in­ter­rupt­ed or has just run out.

If you want to sell ad­ver­tis­ing in a newslet­ter, you can do that too.

– Newslet­ter’s an­a­lyt­ics help you eval­u­ate the ad’sper­for­mance in the let­ter and who it has reached.

The newslet­ter is sent with the newslet­ter pro­gram Sender, if the pub­lish­er does not al­ready have a sep­a­rate newslet­ter pro­gram.

Send­ing is made sim­ple: a group of re­cip­i­ents is pre-as­sem­bled in Sender, af­ter which send­ing a new let­ter re­quires on­ly adding the web link of the lat­est let­ter to the pro­gram be­fore send­ing.

For ex­am­ple, if you want to send a let­ter to all sub­scribers who have giv­en their e-mail in­for­ma­tion and mar­ket­ing au­tho­riza­tion, this in­for­ma­tion can be trans­ferred to Sender from the cir­cu­la­tion sys­tem CProf­it or an­oth­er ex­ter­nal reg­is­ter in Ex­cel or csv for­mat.

The re­cip­i­ent can choose to can­cel the let­ter, in which case the in­for­ma­tion will be au­to­mat­i­cal­ly up­dat­ed in Sender.

You can al­so sub­scribe to the newslet­ter on the mag­a­zine's web­site, in which case in­for­ma­tion about new sub­scrip­tions is al­so au­to­mat­i­cal­ly up­dat­ed in the re­cip­i­ent's list.

An­a­lyt­ics shows who opened the let­ter, how far the let­ter was read, and what con­tent was clicked the most

The de­liv­ery fre­quen­cy of newslet­ters can be de­cid­ed by your­self.

Sender's an­a­lyt­ics for track­ing let­ters are al­so avail­able for re­view.

– An­a­lyt­ics al­lows the de­liv­ery to eas­i­ly track how many re­cip­i­ents of the newslet­ter opened the let­ter, what links were clicked on the let­ter, and how far the let­ter was read. This da­ta helps de­vel­op the con­tent of the let­ters, Ten­hunen says.

The let­ter can al­so be used on so­cial me­dia: a link to the let­ter can be shared, for ex­am­ple, with news­pa­per fol­low­ers or sent via Face­book Mes­sen­ger to the en­tire com­mu­ni­ty.