Hilla Group launched a project in the fall of 2022, the pur­pose of which is to com­bine on one plat­form the sales, cus­tomer man­age­ment and pro­duc­tion process­es of all prod­ucts that have en­tered the group through or­gan­ic growth dur­ing the last three years.

Hilla Group makes ver­sa­tile use of Any­graaf's prod­ucts, and with the in­te­gra­tion of the plat­form ad de­part­ment in­clud­ing sales has switched to us­ing AProf­it's por­tal.

As part of the ac­tu­al im­ple­men­ta­tion project, AProf­it's por­tals were put in­to use at the be­gin­ning of March 2023 for the en­tire group.

The project is pro­gress­ing in stages so that the last step is to con­vert SLP Kus­tan­nus' old cir­cu­la­tion sys­tem and its cus­tomers to the new CProf­it base in Hilla. Af­ter this, all the group's cus­tomers will be avail­able and man­aged through one com­mon sys­tem.

"From the sys­tem sup­pli­er's point of view, the project pro­gressed as planned to the fin­ish line, al­though nat­ur­al sched­ule ad­just­ments can al­ways be made in such a large project. The in­tro­duc­tion of AProf­it por­tals first took place by en­sur­ing the func­tion­al­i­ty of the so­lu­tion us­ing the Proof-of-Con­cept method and care­ful de­f­i­n­i­tions based on Hilla's needs. The group has a wide range of both pa­per and dig­i­tal prod­ucts in a wide ge­o­graph­i­cal area, so no pack­age so­lu­tion could have met Hilla Group's needs", says tech­ni­cal project man­ag­er Jyri Van­ni­nen from Any­graaf.

"The in­tro­duc­tion was made eas­i­er by the fact that the AProf­it por­tal re­lies on the ex­ist­ing AProf­it struc­tures in all the core mag­a­zines of the Hilla Group. Of course, the project al­so gave the op­por­tu­ni­ty to make the struc­tures even more sim­i­lar to mod­ern con­struc­tion."

"The project con­tin­ues in the spir­it of con­tin­u­ous de­vel­op­ment and we be­lieve that our so­lu­tion will serve Hilla for a long time to come, even though the op­er­at­ing en­vi­ron­ment is con­stant­ly chang­ing," says Van­ni­nen.

The own­er of the AProf­it por­tal project at Hilla Group has been Kir­si Kela, sales di­rec­tor of cor­po­rate sales.

"The project has pro­gressed with­in months from the de­f­i­n­i­tion phase to im­ple­men­ta­tion and rapid de­ploy­ment. Our sys­tem project as a whole has been huge, and in its var­i­ous phas­es it has been im­por­tant to take in­to ac­count the sit­u­a­tion in oth­er ar­eas of the project as well. Mu­tu­al de­pen­dence has al­so de­fined the progress of the project. Our wish­es and needs have been lis­tened to and an ef­fort has been made to im­ple­ment them as flex­i­bly as pos­si­ble", says Kir­si Kela.

"As the project con­tin­ues, as spring pro­gress­es to­wards con­tin­u­ous de­vel­op­ment, we are ready to help Any­graaf de­vel­op an even bet­ter prod­uct. Un­der the lead­er­ship of our project man­ag­er Joachim Kåla, we are as­sem­bling an in­ter­nal de­vel­op­ment team at Hilla Group, which com­mu­ni­cates reg­u­lar­ly with Any­graaf's de­vel­op­ment team."

More in­for­ma­tion:

• project man­ag­er Jyri Van­ni­nen, Any­graaf, jyri.van­ni­nen(at)any­graaf.fi, tel. 0500 422 342

• sales di­rec­tor of cor­po­rate sales Kir­si Kela, Hilla Group, kir­si.kela(at)hilla­group.fi