LO Me­dia us­es Any­graaf’s sys­tems for pub­lish­ing 16 own and two ex­ter­nal pub­li­ca­tions (Musikkul­tur and Fag­bladet) – and in ad­di­tion to these al­so six web sites, al­so for mo­bile de­vices.

LO Me­dia ear­li­er pro­duced its pub­li­ca­tions with­out any ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem. Due to re­quire­ments set by in­creas­ing and faster web pub­lish­ing, LO Me­dia need­ed an in­te­grat­ed sys­tem for all its needs.

– It’s been very im­por­tant for us to gath­er as many func­tions as pos­si­ble in one sys­tem. We need to use our re­sources for pro­duc­ing con­tent of good qual­i­ty, not for man­ag­ing tech­ni­cal so­lu­tions. We chose Any­graaf, as they of­fered the com­plete so­lu­tion that was al­so eas­i­ly adapt­ed for our hopes and needs. The next step will be de­vel­op­ing new dig­i­tal prod­ucts, says Steinar Grøn­bekk , ed­i­tor and prod­uct man­ag­er at LO Me­dia.

LO Me­dia is Nor­way’s biggest pub­lish­er for trade mag­a­zines. LO Me­dia’s own pub­li­ca­tions have a cir­cu­la­tion of 500 000 (ap­prox­i­mate­ly 6 000 pages). Cir­cu­la­tions and pages of ex­ter­nal mag­a­zines, Musikkul­tur and Fag­bladet, add to the fig­ures. The biggest pub­li­ca­tion of Neo project is Fag­bladet that is pub­lished 11 times a year, with a cir­cu­la­tion of 336 756 and the av­er­age num­ber of pages be­ing 64. LO-Ak­tuelt, cir­u­la­tion 29 361, is pub­lished most fre­quent­ly - 20 times a year.

For more in­for­ma­tion:

Stif­telsen LO Me­dia, Steinar Grøn­bekk, ed­i­tor/project man­ag­er, steinar.gron­bekk [at] lo­me­dia.no

Any­graaf Ab, Os­car Yn­g­we, man­ag­ing di­rec­tor, os­car.yn­g­we [at] any­graaf.se, +46 761634233