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Local newspaper Ylä-Satakunta's readers' favorite topics can be found nearby. - We have not considered whether, for example, editorials should be abandoned, because the editorial's comments and analyzes analysis on local topics are read a lot online, says editor-in-chief Jukka Huikko.

Local newspaper Ylä-Satakunta's readers' favorite topics can be found nearby. - We have not considered whether, for example, editorials should be abandoned, because the editorial's comments and analyzes analysis on local topics are read a lot online, says editor-in-chief Jukka Huikko.

The local newspaper Ylä-Satakunta doubles the number of visitors online – here’s how it is happening


Editor-in-Chief, Jukka Huikko believes that it is possible for a local newspaper to increase both advertising and subscription revenue online. The most important factors are to find your voice and to establish a role for the magazine.

Dagblad Ylä-Satakunta zet zijn sterke ontwikkelingspad voort met Anygraaf


De lokale krant Ylä-Satakunta implementeert Anygraaf's eNeo-contentproductiesysteem. Ylä-Satakunta is een strategische partner en een langdurige gebruiker van Anygraaf-oplossingen.

In addition to doctors and medical students, the readers of Lääkärilehti are the staff of pharmacies and companies operating in the healthcare sector, as well as other healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. The magazine will be renewed next year both in paper and online.

In addition to doctors and medical students, the readers of Lääkärilehti are the staff of pharmacies and companies operating in the healthcare sector, as well as other healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. The magazine will be renewed next year both in paper and online.

Lääkärilehti wijzigt haar redactioneel CMS system naar eNeo


Het belangrijkste doel van het project is om de workflow van het tijdschrift te stroomlijnen en tegelijkertijd meer digitale kanalen te ondersteunen. Lääkärilehti is een publicatie van de Finse Medische Vereniging die zich richt op geneeskunde, klinisch werk van artsen en gezondheidsbeleid.


Luova Media breidt gebied en dekking uit in de regio Ylläs


LuovaMedia Oy, uitgever van zowel het tijdschrift Kuukkeli (Siberische Jay) als het Engelstalige tijdschrift Ylläs Times in de toeristische regio Ylläs, heeft de activiteiten overgenomen van Levin Sanomat, Ky. Deze aankoop voegt de in Kittilä Levi gepubliceerde op toerisme gerichte tijdschriften Levin Sanomat en Levi Times toe en een nieuw tijdschrift Savu gepubliceerd in het toeristengebied Muonio.

LO Media implememteert Anygraafs NeoDirect.

LO Media implememteert Anygraafs NeoDirect.

Het Noorse LO Media verandert zijn e-magazine in een meer digitale


Dit nieuwe digitale e-magazine wordt al gebruikt in de eerste publicatie van de uitgever. Na het pilot project wordt het nieuwe e-magazine voor alle 15 publicaties gelanceerd.

The aim of the newsletter is to remind readers of the newspaper's interesting content and thus engage them as users of online se

The newsletter can be made from Neo


Anygraaf's monthly newsletter is implemented with Neo. The subscriber’s registration for the letter can be based on information extracted from CProfit or other external registers. In addition, readers can subscribe to the letter from the website.

The printed newspaper's reports can be read online or directly in Neo. The statistics can be browsed by number, weekly or monthly.

The printed newspaper's reports can be read online or directly in Neo. The statistics can be browsed by number, weekly or monthly.

This is how you get information about the content of the printed newspaper easily as reports


With Neo's reporting tool, you can automatically gather key information about the print magazine's content as statistics for each day of publication. The report gathers information about page numbers and advertising percentage, number of articles and pictures in the magazine, as well as article writers and sources.

For the ad, the desired text and image are entered in the portal. The advertiser then enters their contact information and pays for the ad directly in their online bank or with their credit card.

For the ad, the desired text and image are entered in the portal. The advertiser then enters their contact information and pays for the ad directly in their online bank or with their credit card.

With the self-service portal, the reader can make and pay for small advertisements online


With AProfit's new self-service portal, the customer can submit, for example, a death advertisement, thank you advertisement, family advertisement or classified marketplace advertisement at any time of the day.

Readers' wishes have been taken into account in the reform. They wanted more visibility, especially for tourist and camping items as well as local services.

Readers' wishes have been taken into account in the reform. They wanted more visibility, especially for tourist and camping items as well as local services.

Kuukkeli's new websites in use, the corona epidemic accelerated the project


The new pages have been produced with Anygraaf's NeoDirect. As a basis for the renewal, a reader survey was used in which 193 tourists, 78 subscribers and 92 local residents in Ylläs participated.

You remember to add the system training to the training plan?


Our education calendar helps in the planning of educations that support continued professional development. In Finland we train editors in, among other things, search engine optimization for writing journalists, the use of the map application Google Maps and in Google's new Journalist Studio.

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