Local newspaper Ylä-Satakunta's readers' favorite topics can be found nearby. - We have not considered whether, for example, editorials should be abandoned, because the editorial's comments and analyzes analysis on local topics are read a lot online, says editor-in-chief Jukka Huikko.
In addition to doctors and medical students, the readers of Lääkärilehti are the staff of pharmacies and companies operating in the healthcare sector, as well as other healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. The magazine will be renewed next year both in paper and online.
LO Media implememteert Anygraafs NeoDirect.
The aim of the newsletter is to remind readers of the newspaper's interesting content and thus engage them as users of online se
The printed newspaper's reports can be read online or directly in Neo. The statistics can be browsed by number, weekly or monthly.
For the ad, the desired text and image are entered in the portal. The advertiser then enters their contact information and pays for the ad directly in their online bank or with their credit card.
Readers' wishes have been taken into account in the reform. They wanted more visibility, especially for tourist and camping items as well as local services.