More than six weeks since its initial release, the Finnish Defense Forces’ wartime photo service continues its popularity with high numbers of daily visitors and searches

The gallery, “From the front lines to the home front 1939–1945”, is a collection of about 160,000 photos depicting life in Finland during World War II and is served by Anygraaf’s Neo CMS. After its initial rush of searches when first launched in late April, the site continues to receive about 3,500 to 4,000 visitors daily with about 120,000 distinct searches performed per day.

Among the regions with the most number of visitors, Finland ranks first, followed by visitors from Sweden, Russia and the United States. Each of these regions posted more than ten thousand visitors during the most recent monitoring period.

Additionally, the popularity of the service has gained significant notice by the media according to monitoring performed by Finnish Defense Forces. Through the end of May, more than 230 distinct hits were identified on media outlets with thousands more comments, likes and shares noted in social media networks.

The photo collection, served by Anygraaf, is available online at