Sube­d­i­tor Ris­to Pikku­peu­ra from Koil­lis­sanomat: "Web­site re­form has brought to us a new, rich­er di­men­sion. We can of­fer sig­nif­i­cant­ly more con­tent to read­ers to­day. "

The re­form were har­mo­nized with tra­di­tion­al Doris-ed­i­to­r­i­al, AProf­it-ad sys­tem, CProf­it-cir­cu­la­tion sys­tem (al­so for man­ag­ing dig­i­tal con­tent), as well as NeoDi­rect, all Any­graaf´s. Es­pe­cial­ly Doris made it very chal­leng­ing at the be­gin­ning, but cus­tomer wished yet to stick to Doris sys­tem. And Any­graaf sees cus­tomers as strate­gic part­ners - "Your Strate­gic Me­dia So­lu­tion Part­ner", so the project de­cid­ed to start.

Dur­ing the roll­out, it was found that the con­di­tions for pro­cess­ing the pay­ments are still in the process of in­te­gra­tion and the key per­son­nel need­ed some ed­u­ca­tion, it was de­cid­ed to change the sched­ule.

How­ev­er, the pages were opened, and vis­i­tor num­bers have been what ex­pect­ed, even high­er. The next step is to change some of the con­tent un­der pay­ment. "Lo­cal ex­per­tise and knowl­edge in the me­dia sec­tor have been a big part of the progress of the project to Any­graaf. We have re­ceived good knowl­edge about the im­ple­men­ta­tion of fees in the lo­cal pa­per sys­tems and con­tent dur­ing the project, "says prod­uct man­ag­er Han­nu In­berg from Any­graaf.

Their newsite has a fresh look, and there is lot of con­tent. The lay­out adapts to dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions , re­gard­less of the op­er­at­ing sys­tem or de­vice­be­ing used to browse it. In par­tic­u­lar, cell phone size han­dled dy­nam­i­cal­ly so that the site is easy to browse and read. “This is im­por­tant, be­cause mo­bile users read their news from their de­vices”, Han­nu In­berg de­scribes the re­form and con­tin­ues: "Ed­i­to­r­i­al staff needs to use more than one soft­ware un­til the en­tire sys­tem uni­fies at the cor­po­rate lev­el, but on the oth­er hand in­te­grat­ed, all pub­li­ca­tion chan­nels are tak­en in­to ac­count al­ready - over time a well-or­ga­nized and rich con­tent will work for the ben­e­fit of ed­i­to­r­i­al as well."

Ris­to Pikku­peu­ra: “Ed­i­to­r­i­al staff has had to learn new way to work, new sys­tems to use. This al­ways takes time and re­sources. The great thing is that for the cus­tomers ser­vice and sites have been work­able.” The com­mon goal is that the site will op­er­ate in full with­in a few months.
