Kirkkon­um­men Sanomat’s web­site will be done with the NeoDi­rect sys­tem, which is Any­graaf’s so­lu­tion for web pub­lish­ing di­rect­ly from the Neo ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem with­out any un­nec­es­sary steps.

The news­pa­per al­so us­es Any­graaf’s CProf­it-dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem for mailed dis­tri­b­u­tion out­side their main dis­tri­b­u­tion ar­eas.

Kirkkon­um­men Sanomat´s edi­tion cir­cu­lates 28,000, and the news­pa­per is dis­trib­uted on Thurs­days and Sun­days to every house­hold in 3 mar­kets in South­ern Fin­land (Kirkkon­um­mi, Siun­tio, Inkoo).

“Neo is the third sys­tem from Any­graaf and its pre­de­ces­sor Mon­i­graaf that we have se­lect­ed. Any­graaf has been a re­li­able sys­tems in­te­gra­tor and their so­lu­tions have worked well for our op­er­a­tion. Our de­ci­sion to have this in­stal­la­tion man­aged from Any­graaf’s cloud ser­vices cen­ter will free our re­sources for their most im­por­tant task-mak­ing news­pa­pers.” says ed­i­tor-in-chief and CEO Jus­si Sa­lo from Kirkkon­um­men Sanomat.
