Finnish trade pub­lish­er Met­säkus­tan­nus Oy has launched its first dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tion us­ing Any­graaf’s AnyRead­er app for smart­phones and tablets.

Pre­sent­ed for the first time at the re­cent Helsin­ki For­est Fair, the dig­i­tal edi­tion of Met­säle­hti, a se­mi-month­ly pub­li­ca­tion cov­er­ing forestry- and na­ture-re­lat­ed top­ics and is­sues, re­ceived strong re­views and ini­tial sub­scrip­tions. “The Read­ers’ feed­back sur­prised us. We re­ceived sev­er or­ders im­me­di­ate­ly (for ei­ther print and dig­i­tal or dig­i­tal on­ly).” Said Ed­i­tor-in-Chief Eli­isa Kallion­ie­mi.

The pub­li­ca­tion is pro­duced through the Neo by Any­graaf mul­ti-chan­nel con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem im­ple­ment­ed by Met­säkus­tan­nus ear­li­er in 2013, which is al­so used to pro­duce its print prod­ucts. As part of a com­mon con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem, ed­i­tors can man­age con­tent for the pub­lish­er’s AnyRead­er dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tions seam­less­ly along­side the plan­ning work for print and oth­er chan­nels.

AnyRead­er is a brand­ed app for Ap­ple and An­droid tablets and smart­phones that us­es dy­nam­nic lay­out to au­to­mat­i­cal­ly de­sign the op­ti­mal pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tent for the de­vice, dis­play size and user pref­er­ences. As such, no man­u­al lay­out or de­sign work needs to be done based on a spe­cif­ic mo­bile OS or de­vice type. A pub­lish­er can main­tain its own dig­i­tal news­stand, com­plete with an ePa­per lay­er, with AnyRead­er pro­vid­ing a wide-range of op­tions for sell­ing and pack­ag­ing con­tent. With the Neo CMS dig­i­tal con­tent can ei­ther mir­ror the print­ed ver­sion or be chan­nel-spe­cif­ic al­low­ing pub­lish­ers to eas­i­ly craft unique con­tent pack­ages with ad­di­tion­al pho­tos, videos, meta­da­ta and text to take ad­van­tage the ca­pa­bil­i­ties each chan­nel of­fers.

Met­säle­hti will be avail­able on the Ap­ple Store and Google Play be­gin­ning in 2014. A sam­ple is­sue is al­so avail­able on the app stores. Read­ers can sub­scribe to Met­säle­hti’s dig­i­tal edi­tion di­rect­ly through AnyRead­er or by call­ing cus­tomer ser­vice.

“We are very pleased to have worked with our part­ners at Met­säkus­tan­nus to in­tro­duce the dig­i­tal edi­tion of Met­säle­hti through the AnyRead­er sys­tem,” said Har­ri Task­i­nen, project man­ag­er. “Be­cause AnyRead­er is an in­te­grat­ed part of the con­tent man­age­ment work­flow and does not re­quire ad­di­tion­al work or re­sources to pro­duce the dig­i­tal prod­ucts, we feel it is def­i­nite­ly a com­pet­i­tive ad­van­tage for us and for our cus­tomers. In ad­di­tion, be­cause the sub­scriber's da­ta is stored in the pub­lish­er’s own sys­tems, it will def­i­nite­ly in­crease the in­ter­est among pub­lish­ers.”

About Met­säkus­tan­nus

Met­säkus­tan­nus Oy is a pub­lish­er spe­cial­iz­ing in the pub­li­ca­tion of top­ics con­cern­ing the forestry in­dus­try and forestry. They pub­lish two mag­a­zines, Met­säle­hti and Met­säle­hti Makasi­i­ni. Met­säle­hti is se­mi-month­ly pub­lished tabloid that of­fers in­for­ma­tion to for­est own­ers. Met­säle­hti Makasi­i­ni is a mag­a­zine-type pub­li­ca­tion pub­lished eight times a year fea­tur­ing high-qual­i­ty sto­ries about forestry and mag­nif­i­cent­ly il­lus­trat­ed ar­ti­cles about Finnish na­ture. The com­bined read­er­ship of both pub­li­ca­tions is about 190,000 (2012). Met­säkus­tan­nus al­so main­tains a book pub­lish­ing op­er­a­tion.

For more in­for­ma­tion

Chief Ed­i­tor Eli­isa, Kallion­ie­mi , Met­säle­hti , , +358 40 516 4000

Prod­uct Man­ag­er Har­ri Task­i­nen, Any­graaf, , +358 40 1971 091