Lo­cat­ed in West­ern Fin­land, Kes­ki-Po­h­jan­maa Kir­japaino pro­duces 10 pub­li­ca­tions and will use CD­Prof­it and its com­pan­ion web por­tals to man­age the dis­tri­b­u­tion plan­ning for both car­ri­er and postal de­liv­ery of its prod­ucts. Al­so to be im­ple­ment­ed are the dig­i­tal e-com­merce so­lu­tions pro­vid­ed by Any­graaf that will al­low for the man­age­ment of elec­tron­ic, de­vice-in­de­pen­dent prod­ucts to be de­liv­ered to mo­bile phones and tablets.

“We de­cid­ed to buy Any­graaf´s CD­Prof­it be­cause it cor­re­sponds well with our needs and func­tion­al­i­ty,” said CEO Vesa Pih­la­ja­maa on de­scrib­ing the rea­son for the pur­chase. “We felt that that with [the con­nec­tions CD­Prof­it al­lows] with the Finnish (mo­bile phone) op­er­a­tor, we can al­so de­vel­op our own tools in con­junc­tion with the ap­pli­ca­tion. Plus, we al­ready have a good ex­pe­ri­ence of co­op­er­a­tion with Any­graaf and so in this case, we de­cid­ed to re­ly on Any­graaf’s ex­per­tise and know-how.”

CD­Prof­it pro­vides tools to man­age prod­uct de­liv­ery and runs in­de­pen­dent of a sub­scrip­tion man­age­ment sys­tem al­low­ing for the dis­tri­b­u­tion plan­ning by car­ri­er or mail of any type of prod­uct. The sys­tem in­cludes fea­tures to, among oth­er things, man­age car­ri­ers, routes, and ad­dress data­bas­es, billing and pay­roll. Com­pan­ion web por­tals al­so al­low pub­lish­ers and car­ri­ers to keep in con­tact dur­ing the de­liv­ery ac­tiv­i­ties with car­ri­ers and dis­trib­u­tors able to re­ceive and send sta­tus up­dates and changes for ex­am­ple.

The CD­Prof­it dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem will be in­te­grat­ed with oth­er mod­ules from Any­graaf’s Prof­it fam­i­ly of sys­tems al­ready in use by Kes­ki-Po­h­jan­maa Kir­japaino.

For more in­for­ma­tion :

Kes­ki-Po­h­jan­maan Kir­japaino, CEO Vesa Pih­la­ja­maa , vesa.pih­la­ja­maa @ kpk.fi

Any­graaf Oy, Sales Man­ag­er Mat­ti Natunen, mat­ti.natunen @ any­graaf.fi

Kes­ki-Po­h­jan­maa Kir­japaino is the largest mul­ti-me­dia com­pa­ny in west­ern Fin­land, whose core busi­ness ar­eas are pub­li­ca­tion, print­ing, and soft­ware ser­vices. The com­pa­ny pub­lish­es 10 pa­pers, which have com­mon net­work ser­vices.

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