Im­ple­men­ta­tion is ex­pect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Au­gust.

AProf­it of­fers com­plete func­tion­al­i­ty for ad book­ing, billing and pro­duc­tion track­ing for both print and dig­i­tal me­dia chan­nels with­in one sys­tem. This cre­ates a high­ly ef­fi­cient method for man­ag­ing in one sys­tem all ad­ver­tis­ing for both print and on­line pub­li­ca­tions. Ad­di­tion­al­ly AProf­it pro­vides sup­port for sched­ul­ing and track­ing spe­cial mag­a­zine fea­tures such as give­aways and in­serts.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, New Skool Me­dia will al­so im­ple­ment AProf­it eSales, a web por­tal ex­ten­sion of the book­ing sys­tem pro­vid­ing sales reps com­plete mo­bile ac­cess to CRM tools. De­signed in part­ner­ship be­tween Penthion and Any­graaf, the eSales por­tal al­lows Sales reps to plan in­ser­tion or­ders and re­view up-to-date ad­ver­tis­er and per­for­mance da­ta in a brows­er or tablet.

Penthion’s Ad­Por­tal for re­mote ad traf­fic man­age­ment will al­so be im­ple­ment­ed to han­dle cus­tomer ma­te­r­i­al sub­mis­sion. When Con­nect­ed to AProf­it, book­ing da­ta is for­ward­ed to the Ad­Por­tal giv­ing ad­ver­tis­ers a brows­er-based site through which they can up­load files and mon­i­tor the sta­tus of the ma­te­r­i­al sub­mis­sions for their print and dig­i­tal in­ser­tions. Ad­Por­tal will al­so man­age copy chase pro­ce­dures and dead­line man­age­ment, send­ing out emails to ad­ver­tis­ers prompt­ing for file sub­mis­sion and pro­vid­ing warn­ings of ap­proach­ing and missed dead­lines.

About New Skool Me­dia

New Skool Me­dia was found­ed by Cor Jan Willig and Rob Koghee in ear­ly June 2014 to pur­chase sev­er­al ti­tles from Dutch mag­a­zine group Sanoma Me­dia Nether­lands B.V. The ti­tles in­clude Home and Gar­den, Sea­sons, Knip­mode, Knip­pie, MO­TO73, MO­TOR, For­mule1, Truck­star, Baby­gids, Roots, de­li­cious., Vorsten, KIJK, Know How, ZIN, Fi­ets, Fi­et­s­Ac­tief, Pro­cy­cling and Zeilen.

About Penthion Me­dia Tech­nolo­gies

Penthion Me­dia Tech­nolo­gies is lo­cat­ed in As­sen, Nether­lands and pro­vides sales, ser­vice and sup­port of all Any­graaf prod­ucts to the Benelux re­gion of Eu­rope. Penthion al­so de­vel­ops its own line of ad­ver­tis­ing pub­lish­ing tools in­clud­ing the Pub­lishInn por­tal suite, which in­cludes the Bon­Deals mo­bile coupon sys­tem, Me­dia Tool­Box au­to­mat­ed ad build­ing por­tal and sev­er­al on­line clas­si­fied prod­ucts as well.

About Any­graaf

For near­ly twen­ty years, Any­graaf has been de­vel­op­ing con­tent man­age­ment, ad­ver­tis­ing and cir­cu­la­tion sys­tems for the pub­lish­ing in­dus­tries. Head­quar­tered in Helsin­ki, Fin­land, Any­graaf main­tains ad­di­tion­al of­fices in Swe­den and the Unit­ed States and is al­so rep­re­sent­ed in mar­kets through­out Eu­rope and the Caribbean through its net­work of re­sale part­ners.