“I need my sales­men in the field and work­ing with client and prospects close­ly. They must have ef­fi­cient tools to dri­ve sales and the sales cy­cle.”

AProf­it eSales work­space opens in a brows­er and con­sists of wid­gets that are arranged to suit the user’s role. For ex­am­ple, wid­gets that de­liv­er CRM Data­bas­es,, open as­sign­ments and bud­gets can be arranged by the user

KPI (Key Per­for­mance In­di­ca­tors)

“I want to our sales staff to be armed with bud­get, prospect­ing and re­li­able pro­jec­tion tool that en­able faster clos­ings and su­pe­ri­or ac­count man­age­ment.”

AProf­it eSales dis­plays a dash­board of in­stru­ment that is mon­i­tor­ing the most im­por­tant num­bers. Sales Reps can have pre­set goals and ex­pec­ta­tions. They get the in­for­ma­tion about es­tab­lish­ing, meet­ing and ex­ceed­ing these goals by un­der­stand­ing every op­por­tu­ni­ties ex­pec­ta­tions and pos­si­bil­i­ties at a glance.

Sales Man­agers can al­lo­cate re­sources based on re­li­able and dy­nam­ic in­for­ma­tion. A cus­tomer’s spe­cif­ic bud­get can be avail­able for analy­sis com­par­i­son and pro­jec­tion. Sales pipelines and pro­jec­tions are fu­els by mul­ti­ple sources of in­for­ma­tion that dri­ves the cy­cle to closed..

“I want to see and con­trol all the tasks, cus­tomer in­for­ma­tion and pro­pos­al made by our team in from one tool, and one screen.”

In­for­ma­tion al­ways up to date, of­fers quick­ly

“As soon as pos­si­ble af­ter vis­it­ing a cus­tomer I want to in­sert the re­sults of the sales con­ver­sa­tion di­rect­ly to the sys­tem.”

The sales­men are able to in­sert the re­sults of the cus­tomer vis­it in­to the sys­tem when they are still fresh in their mem­o­ry. Their vis­it might turn in­to a pos­si­ble sale of ad space or straight to an of­fer or even a sale. All these steps are cap­tured in the sys­tem to make it eas­i­er to fol­low the sales process in the field as well as plan­ning the up­com­ing pub­lish­ing cal­en­dar..

“I want that the cus­tomer have an of­fer to re­view straight away – even dur­ing the meet­ing. An ef­fi­cient and fast of­fer process cre­ates a good base for the re­li­able pre­dic­tion of the sales.”

The sales­men can pro­duce an of­fer dur­ing at the sales meet­ing. It is easy to pro­duce al­ter­na­tive mod­els to the of­fer the cus­tomer for their pro­mo­tions sched­ule. The stan­dard tem­plates and wid­gets guid­ing the of­fer doc­u­ment gen­er­ate a pro­pos­al in pdf-for­mat in no time. The of­fer can be saved in the sys­tem and sent to the cus­tomer via email.

Con­trol­ling ad space – Plan­ner- view

AProf­it eSales is able to dis­play a re­al time Plan­ner- view of the pub­li­ca­tion. The sales­man sees the ed­i­to­r­i­al con­tent and the sta­tus of the ad ma­te­r­i­al as well as a pre­view if nec­es­sary. The prod­ucts in­ven­to­ry of ad space is avail­able to be known, mar­ket­ed, prospect­ed and sold.