The in­stal­la­tion ex­pands Ami­goe's cur­rent Any­graaf in­stal­la­tion which in­cludes the Doris32 con­tent man­age­ment and pub­lish­ing pro­duc­tion sys­tem, Plan­ner edi­tion man­age­ment and lay­out sys­tem and AProf­it ad­ver­tis­ing man­age­ment soft­ware. Im­ageEd pro­vides au­to­mat­ic col­or cor­rec­tion of im­ages for pub­li­ca­tion via site-de­fined pa­ra­me­ters. Once im­ages have been col­or cor­rect­ed, they are then con­vert­ed to ei­ther CMYK or grayscale, de­pend­ing up­on the de­sired chan­nel cho­sen for that im­age. This al­lows for a more stream­lined & or­ga­nized col­or cor­rec­tion process as well as con­sis­ten­cy in the tonal­i­ty of pub­lished im­ages. Col­or ad­just­ments with­in Im­ageEd are done in three-di­men­sion­al col­or space, al­low­ing for col­ors to be ad­just­ed and main­tained ac­cu­rate­ly. The au­to­mat­ic ad­just­ment process op­ti­mizes col­ors so that de­tails are not lost with­in ful­ly sat­u­rat­ed ar­eas of im­ages; it an­a­lyzes sharp­ness and noise lev­els with­in an im­age then ad­justs de­tails ac­cord­ing­ly. Im­ageEd al­so of­fers a man­u­al mode which pro­vides an easy-to-use col­or ad­just­ment in­ter­face from which users may fine-tune im­ages by hand. The soft­ware is be­ing uti­lized at the dai­ly news­pa­per, Ami­goe, in Cu­raçao. Ami­goe al­so pub­lish­es a dai­ly ver­sion of the news­pa­per in Aru­ba as well the week­end sup­ple­ment, Na­pa.

About Uit­gev­er­ij Ami­goe NV

Uit­gev­er­ij Ami­goe NV is the pub­lish­er of the Dutch-lan­guage news­pa­per Ami­goe. Found­ed in 1884, it is the old­est news­pa­per in the Nether­lands An­tilles and Aru­ba. Ami­goe is pub­lished each af­ter­noon, six days per week and a week­end sup­ple­ment is in­clud­ed with Sat­ur­day's news­pa­per.
