The LLA Lokal & Dig­i­tal days are re­turn­ing to Bergen af­ter a brief change last year. As usu­al, Any­graaf will be there to demon­strate how me­dia com­pa­nies can work more ef­fi­cient­ly with both dig­i­tal and print pro­duc­tion. Any­graaf of­fers so­lu­tions for man­ag­ing sub­scrip­tions, ad sales, and book­ings, as well as the ed­i­to­r­i­al work­flow for dig­i­tal and print.

LLA Lokal & Dig­i­tal will take place on Oc­to­ber 31 and No­vem­ber 1 at Clar­i­on Ho­tel Bergen Air­port.

About LLA:

The Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion for Lo­cal News­pa­pers (LLA) is the in­ter­est or­ga­ni­za­tion for al­most 120 lo­cal news­pa­pers around the coun­try. These news­pa­pers strength­en lo­cal democ­ra­cy and lo­cal cul­tur­al life. The lo­cal news­pa­pers are al­so a use­ful and re­li­able me­dia chan­nel for the lo­cal busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty, or­gan­i­sa­tions, mu­nic­i­pal­i­ties and for chain stores. The lo­cal news­pa­pers fo­cus on the lo­cal mar­kets.

For more in­for­ma­tion about Lokal & Dig­i­tal, vis­it­heter/velkom­men-til-lokal-dig­i­tal-2024/