As part of a merg­er with pa­pers from the Län­si-Sa­vo cor­po­ra­tion to form a new pub­lish­ing di­vi­sion, Etelä-Savon Vi­estin­tä, the The Sanoma pa­pers are adopt­ing the AProf­it and CProf­it sys­tems cur­rent­ly used by Lan­si to cre­ate one of the largest com­bined cus­tomer data­base in Fin­land.

"Chang­ing the sys­tems we will re­ceive tools for the new chal­lenges of the sales or­ga­ni­za­tion", said Lasse Palmi­nen, the de­vel­op­ment leader of Sanoma Lehti­me­dia.

"Etelä-Savon Vi­estin­tä's and Sanoma Lehti­me­dia's com­bined cus­tomer data­base cre­ates a good base for the use of sales tools. The great ex­pe­ri­ences of co­op­er­a­tion from all the par­ties al­so cre­ates a good base for de­vel­op­ing the sys­tems new us­es in the fu­ture," said Han­nu In­berg, Any­graaf CEO.

Sanoma Lehti­me­dia Oy

Sanoma Lehti­me­dia Oy is a me­dia com­pa­ny that pub­lish­es news­pa­pers and is lo­cat­ed in south­east of Fin­land. The news­pa­pers pub­lished by the com­pa­ny are com­mu­ni­ty pa­pers Etelä-Saimaa in south Kare­lia, Kou­volan Sanomat in north­ern Ky­men­laak­so and Ky­men Sanomat in south­ern Ky­men­laak­so. The com­pa­ny al­so pub­lish­es Uutisvuok­si in the re­gion of Ima­tra, Ruoko­lahti and Rautjärvi , city mag­a­zines Vart­ti Kou­vola and Vart­ti Etelä-Kar­jala and Fin­tourist mag­a­zine that is aimed for trav­ellers.

Sanoma Lehti­me­dia al­so pub­lish­es sev­er­al dig­i­tal prod­ucts in­clud­ing Fin­ and Ruoka­paikk.

Etelä-Savon Vi­estin­tä Oy

Etelä-Savon Vi­estin­tä which be­longs to Län­si-Sa­vo Cor­po­ra­tion pub­lish­es Län­si-Sa­vo that comes out in Mikke­li, Itä-Sa­vo that comes out in Savon­lin­na and two city mag­a­zines. In ad­di­tion to this the lo­cal pa­per- and lo­cal ra­dio com­pa­nies be­long to Län­si-Sa­vo Cor­po­ra­tion.

The Etelä-Savon Vi­estin­tä and Sanoma Lehti­me­dia units as well as Sanoma press­es in Lappeen­ran­ta and Kou­vola are be­ing com­bined to form the new pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny. Län­si-Sa­vo Cor­po­ra­tion will ini­tial­ly own 51 per­cent of the new com­pa­ny af­ter the merg­er and Sanoma Me­dia Fin­land Oy will own 49 per­cent with a grad­ual trans­fer of com­plete own­er­ship to Län­si-Sa­vo over the next five years. The new unit is ex­pect­ed to launch in Jan­u­ary 2015 with com­bined rev­enue of about 59 mil­lion Eu­ros and about 500 em­ploy­ees.


Any­graaf has been de­vel­op­ing ad­ver­tis­ing and con­tent man­age­ment so­lu­tions for the pub­lish­ing in­dus­tries for near­ly 20 years. Its so­lu­tions in­clude the AProf­it ad man­age­ment sys­tem, CProf­it cir­cu­la­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tems and the Neo mul­ti-chan­nel con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem.


AProf­it is mul­ti-chan­nel pub­lish­ing sys­tem for man­ag­ing the en­tire ad­verts­ing process. With pow­er­ful tools to help sales staff man­age the en­tire process from of­fer to pub­li­ca­tion, AProf­it helps pub­lish­ers eas­i­ly man­age cus­tomer re­la­tions, an­a­lyze sales per­for­mance, work on the road, traf­fic ad pro­duc­tion and han­dle lay­out and place­ment for all types of ad­ver­tis­ing chan­nels in­clud­ing Web, mo­bile, mag­a­zine and news­pa­pers.


Any­graaf’s CProf­it sys­tems man­age sub­scrip­tion and con­tent ac­cess, dis­tri­b­u­tion and car­ri­er man­age­ment and in­cludes ro­bust self-ser­vice web por­tals that al­lows read­ers a high lev­el of ac­count man­age­ment.

Ad­di­tion­al in­for­ma­tion

De­vel­op­ment leader Lasse Palmi­nen, Sanoma Lehti­me­dia Oy

CEO Han­nu In­berg, Any­graaf Oy, tel. 0424 2217 400, han­­berg@any­