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Cad­graf Dig­i­tals is In­dia's largest and old­est to­tal so­lu­tion providers for the press and pre­press in­dus­tries. The com­pa­ny's ac­tiv­i­ties are ver­ti­cal­ly in­te­grat­ed to en­com­pass news­pa­per pub­lish­ing, work­flow sys­tems, col­or man­age­ment, soft­ware cor­rec­tion for press­es, so­phis­ti­cat­ed train­ing, print-to-dig­i­tal con­ver­sion and In­dic Fonts. Over the last 25 years, Cad­graf has worked with many In­di­an pub­lish­ing hous­es in­clud­ing the likes of The Hin­du, Anand­abazar Pa­tri­ka, Dai­ly Thanthi, Eenadu, Vasan Pub­li­ca­tions and Malay­ala Manora­ma

Intergraph Corporation

Intergraph Corporation is a full service graphic arts supplier specializing in press and pre-press technology, including CtP systems, editorial and production software, film imaging, digital proofing and related supplies catering to the Caribbean market.

Lingsoft Oy

Lingsoft Oy is Europe's Leading language processing products and services provider.

Penthion Media Technologies

Penthion Technologies provides software solutions and consulting services for newspaper and magazine publishers.

Umwelt. Medien. IT

Um­welt. Me­dien. IT is a sa­les part­ner for Anyg­raaf, pri­ma­ri­ly pro­vi­ding pub­lis­hing soft­wa­re. In ad­di­ti­on to sel­ling soft­wa­re the com­pa­ny al­so de­ve­lops and sel­ls pro­ces­ses. The pure soft­wa­re is just a tool, and the pro­ces­ses must be fu­tu­re-proof, cost-op­ti­mi­zed, ener­gy-ef­fi­cient and sus­tai­nab­le. Um­welt. Me­dien. IT. works to­get­her with its clients in an in­no­va­ti­ve net­work of ex­perts. The com­pa­ny has no ri­gid struc­tu­res and hie­rarc­hies, but acts fle­xib­ly and trans­pa­rent­ly ac­cor­ding to the tasks at hand.