The chan­ge of name is a con­se­qu­ent step in or­der to ap­pe­ar to­get­her with the ot­her count­ries wit­hin the Anyg­raaf group un­der a com­mon, imp­res­si­ve and res­pect­ful name. The chan­ge of name is to emp­ha­si­ze the bond and mem­bers­hip to Anyg­raaf Oy. There is no chan­ge of ow­ners­hip, on­ly the name has been al­te­red.

Anyg­raaf Deutsch­land le­ve­ra­ges from the long ex­pe­rien­ce and de­di­ca­ti­on in or­der to con­ti­nue of­fe­ring an ex­cel­lent soft­wa­re and ser­vi­ce port­fo­lio. Anot­her ad­van­ta­ge of the joint name is the world­wi­de avai­la­bi­li­ty of know­how from the Anyg­raaf group.